Vivitar 220 SL 35mm SLR Film Camera with Vivitar 55mm F/2.2 Prime Lens
Here we have a very nice Vivitar 220/SL 35mm film SLR camera with Vivitar 55mm f/2.2 prime lens.
The camera is cosmetically nice and mechanically perfect. The light meter is nonfunctional, and so the camera is being sold at a discount, essentially selling the kit for the price of the lens alone. The mirror box, pentaprism, film compartment, and battery compartment are clean and free of damage or corrosion. All lever, dials, and switches work as they should. The viewfinder does show some dust that has no impact on images or function.
The included lens is a universal screw mount lens, made in Japan, the Auto Vivitar 55mm F/2.2. This is aprime lens of the standard focal length that can be used on any universal screw mount camera. It is an excellent lens for general snapshots, all-purpose shooting, street photography, portraits, and more. The aperture of F/2.2 makes it capable for low-light and available light shooting found in many photography scenarios, including street photography.
The Vivitar 220/SL is a well-made and reliable 35mm film SLR camera made in Japan. It is a fully manual camera with exposure meter assistance and a match-needle exposure display in the viewfinder. This makes it an excellent choice for those who want control over their photos and who want to see how changes to settings will influence exposure.
It uses the M42 universal screw mount lens mount, meaning that any and all M42 lenses can natively mount to this camera, including excellent lenses made by Pentax and Mamiya, among others. Additionally the included lens can be used on any M42 camera, as well as on new mirrorless digital cameras via inexpensive adapters.
A very nice value camera and lens combination, this is the kind of machine that will serve anyone very well without costing very much.
It will be carefully packaged and shipped immediately.