Taron Marquis 35mm Rangefinder Camera
Here we have the Taron Marquis 35mm rangefinder. This camera is in excellent condition and ready to take another lifetime of fantastic photos.
The Marquis is in wonderful condition both cosmetically and mechanically. All knobs, levers, buttons and dials work as they should. The fake leather is in great condition, the film chamber has been cleaned and the light meter is functional.
The attached lens is a Taronar 45mm f/1.6, capable of impressive low-light and available-light shooting. The shutter speeds range from 1 to 1/500th of a second, and bulb mode. The lens is cleaned and free of elements such as balsam separation, hazing, fungus and scratches.
This camera is incredibly simple to use, with all features neatly located on the lens itself. Just select the ISO, aperture, shutter speed, focus and the self-timer if you wish and you are good to shoot. A rangefinder such as the Taron Marquis is a great way to step into the world of rangefinders if you have no done so already, and equally a good way to hone in rangefinder skills if you have.
It will be carefully packaged and shipped immediately.