Polaroid SX-70 Folding SLR Instant Camera - Fully Functional
Here we have a Polaroid SX-70 folding SLR instant camera in excellent condition.
This camera is fully functional.
For a thorough review of the SX-70, see our website here.
The SX-70 is a legend in the photo world. The masterpiece product of famed inventor, entrepreneur, and Polaroid founder Edwin Land, the SX-70 was a camera that accomplished many 'firsts'. It was the first folding SLR. It was the first SLR instant camera. It was the first instant camera to use automatic developing integral film. It was the first instant camera capable of shooting five photos in ten seconds. The SX-70 is an amazing piece of American engineering, and a camera rightfully coveted by many.
It uses a 4-element 116mm F/8 glass lens that allow for manual focusing as close as 10.4 inches (26.4 cm). The SX-70 features an advanced automatic exposure system capable of shutter speeds ranging from 1/175 of a second to more than 10 seconds. The exposure is manually adjustable via an exposure compensation wheel on the front of the camera.
There are a wide range of accessories for the SX70, including self-timers, flashes, tripod mounts, close up lenses, and telephoto lenses.
This camera requires SX-70 Polaroid film which can be purchased here.
If you have any questions please contact me.