Monthly Subscription to Casual Photophile
Help Casual Photophile continue to produce the great content you love.
Not mandatory - the site is still free
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$1.00 per week is all it costs to help maintain our site and continue to grow
Hello there,
I’m James, founder of F Stop Cameras and Casual Photophile. Since 2014, we’ve been creating amazing content for photo geeks all over the world, and we’re honored to be a small part of your photographic journey.
Online publishing is a challenge. We post our content for free to reach a wide audience, yet producing this content costs a lot of money.
We’ve been reluctantly running ads on Casual Photophile, but ads are ugly and distracting, especially on a site that prides itself on a clean user experience. I know that many of you feel the same way. You don’t like ads.
I have now eliminated all in-post advertising on Casual Photophile.
But this presents a challenge. By canceling ads, we’ve lost a lot of badly needed income.
This is why we’re now offering a monthly subscription to Casual Photophile.
Subscribing is not mandatory, you can cancel at any time, and the site is still free.
I’m asking those of you who truly value what we do to subscribe and help us pay the writing staff and the site’s bills, and to keep the site free of intrusive ads.
If my site has helped you enjoy photography more, if we’ve introduced you to an interesting camera or film or lens or an inspiring photographer, if you’ve ever connected with the stories that we tell, please consider subscribing to Casual Photophile.
You can help us do what we do, which is produce great content for you!
With Sincere Thanks,
James and the Casual Photophile Team