Pentax IQ Zoom 70 XL (AKA Espio Af Zoom) Autofocus Point and Shoot 35mm Film Camera
Here we have a very nice Pentax Espio AF Zoom (aka IQ Zoom 70 XL) 35mm point-and-shoot film camera. The camera is fully functional, looks gorgeous, and is ready to produce another lifetime of fantastic photos.
Everything works as it should. The camera is in excellent condition with a clean battery compartment, clean film compartment, beautiful lens, and is free of any damage.
This camera is a fully-automated, full-featured, autofocus point and shoot camera. It features a power zoom lens capable zooming from 35mm (standard photography) up to 70mm, good for close ups and portraits.
With a built-in flash, multiple flash modes, multiple shooting modes, one-touch zoom, and autoexposure, this camera is about as full-featured as a point-and-shoot camera gets. The lens will make extremely sharp images with beautiful color rendition and wonderful micro contrast. Better yet, it will make beautiful images without any real demands on the photographer, making this camera perfect for those photographers who want to focus on composition and framing, and just have fun shooting film.
It is super compact, quick, and is powered by a common photo battery available at any drug store or battery shop or big box store (or on Amazon) - (not included).
It will be shipped immediately and packaged securely.